Not Ashamed of the Gospel 2019

Not Ashamed of the Gospel 2019

Students from Christian Schools unite, equipped.

Christian schools join together for the Gospel

- CedarNews Term 2, Week 4

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Not Ashamed of the Gospel

For the fourth year running, 200 students from eight schools across the city and State, gathered at Cedar College for the “Not Ashamed of the Gospel” Workshop.

The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for our offences and rose again to bring us to God. This truth transforms everyone who takes hold of it, shaping us for good.


Equipped to make a difference

Spearheaded by Cedar students, and with help from students at Temple Paralowie and Kings Baptist, this workshop equipped young people from across the eight attending colleges to be a blessing in their schools.

They learned how to be better friends, to care for others, to sensitively articulate what they believe, to respond to people’s questions with grace, and even how to use gaming time to build people up.


Prepared to make an impact

Following the combined sessions, the workshops then continued back at each school. Students were encouraged to keep their group together to brainstorm, plan and pray about how they planned to act on what they had learned, seen and heard during the day.

It was an honour to see teenagers unite together, pray for each other, and focus on bringing the love of God to the people around them.

Pastor Jeremy Wright, Cedar College Pastor