Term 1 Week 6 - 2024

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Term 1, Week 6


Experiencing Who We Are

In the early days of Cedar, when families came for a school tour, we would often hear them exclaim, “I never realised that there was a school here!” But this doesn’t happen anymore.

Thankfully now, due to our visible buildings and signage, most people now know where we are. However, knowing where we are doesn’t necessarily mean that people know who we are. That’s where our School Tours come in.

We have been privileged to host almost 100 families for tours recently, during which our staff and student guides showcase and discuss who we are as a school and what we offer. Similarly, our Twilight Tours, held this week for our current Year 6 families, provided an opportunity to introduce them to the High School and highlighted some of the amazing facilities and opportunities ahead. In a world that increasingly ‘lives online,’ being able to see and experience who we are is crucial for our families, and we cherish the sense of community here at Cedar.

Around the Campus

In this issue of CedarNews, our Director of Upper Primary, Mrs Melody Birch, takes a look at growth in the Upper Primary, and what our Year 6 Student Leaders have been up to, we explore a range of creative learning experiences in Primary School, Head of High school, Mr Andrew Lock, introduces the new Middle School play equipment and staff joining the High School, we also hear about what the Year 7s enjoyed most at their recent camp, and our Year 12s take a trip back to Primary School.

Mr Peter Thomson, Principal

Coming Events

September 2024

Thursday September 12

High School RU OK? Day
Year 5/6 SACSA AFL Football

Friday September 13

Year 3/4 SACSA AFL Football
9:00 am – 9:30 am
Reception 2025 Meet, Play, Learn

Sunday September 15

Week 9 >>

Monday September 16

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Reception 2025 Meet, Play, Learn Week >

Tuesday September 17

State Athletics (Year 3-6)

Friday September 20

Yr 1 Excursion

Sunday September 22

Week 10 >>

Monday September 23

8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Yr 11 Legal & Psychology Excursion

Tuesday September 24

SW Football Finals (TBA)
Year 6 Woodhouse Challenge Day
Year 6 Student Leaders

Growth in Upper Primary

The Upper Primary has already seen growth in both our facilities and Student Leaders this term.

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Year 2 Butterflies

Learning Comes to Life

Primary School students In Years 2, 4 and 6, experience learning in a range of creative ways.

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Middle School in Full Swing

New play equipment installation, and Year 7s “Mix It Up” at camp.

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Year 12s in Primary School

Senior School Update

Staff updates for High School, and Year 12s head to Primary School for a special time.

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The Front Page

Growth in Upper Primary

During a day filled with entertainment and inspiration, our Year 6 Prefects and Sports Captains journeyed to the Entertainment Centre for GRIP Leadership Conference 2024.

Week 6 News and Notices

Public Holidays – Term 1

Monday March 11 – Adelaide Cup Public Holiday.

Friday March 29 – Good Friday Public Holiday.

Monday April 1 – Easter Monday Public Holiday.

High School Sports Day

High School Sports Day is coming up on Friday, March 15. Please remember that there will be NO LUNCH ORDERS on the day for High School students. A Sausage Sizzle will be available instead of lunch orders, with proceeds going to our Thailand service projects. We recommend students bring a packed recess/lunch and drink, even if you plan on purchasing a sausage as lines can be quite long and they may run out!

All students are required to wear their House polo, PE Shorts and Cedar hat. Only Year 12 students are allowed to dress up. Parents are welcome to join us on Vickers Vimy Oval and are required to sign-in upon arrival at the oval.

Upper Primary Sports Day

The Upper Primary Sports Day will be held on Friday March 22. All students in Year 3-6 will take part in the day, and parents and friends are welcome to attend the day and support their teams!

Students are required to wear their coloured House t-shirt, Cedar shorts, and Cedar hat on Sports Day. Team colours can be displayed in mascots, streamers, zinc cream and hair ribbons, but no dyed hair, face paint, or tutus.


Student orders for the Sausage Sizzle must be pre-paid through Qkr! by Monday March 18, and visitors may purchase them for $3 on the day.

House Team badges must also be pre-ordered by Friday March 15, for $1 each.

Coffee and Hot Chocolate will be available to purchase from the Coffee Pod in the morning, for a cost of $3 each.

Primary School Learning Conversations

Our Primary School Learning Conversations are scheduled for Week 8 & 9 of this term.

The Learning Conversations will take place on campus, in your child’s classroom. Parents and caregivers will be required to book a time online, and further information will be sent home soon.

Absentee Notification

It is important to always notify the College if your child will be absent from school. 

Parents/caregivers can use the student absentee email, which can be accessed via the Cedar Portals menu on our website. Clicking the link will open an email, prompting for the required information. 

If required, the Front Office may phone, email or send a text message to confirm the absence.

Primary School Casual Day Fundraiser

Last week, the Primary School held a Casual Day fundraiser, with all proceeds going to our Compassion Sponsor Children. Through your donations, we raised $539.05, which will no doubt be a great encouragement and help for the children we sponsor.

Street Parking Reminder

If you utilise any street parking around the property for drop-off or pick-up, please respect the driveways of the community around us and do not park across driveways or block street access in any way.  This includes the Cedar College internal Kiss&Drop road as traffic needs to remain moving from Navigator Drive.

For those with older children, please consider if you can pick your child up 10 minutes later to help reduce the traffic impact at pick-up times.


Lost & Found

We have a Toyota car key that was found in the yard recently. Please visit the Front Office if you believe this belongs to you.

Other lost items, including uniform items and drink bottles, continue to be handed in to the Front Office. Please come to the office if you are searching for lost items. It is important to name clearly all of your child’s items and clothing so that they can be returned if misplaced.

Easter Services

Friday March 29 & Sunday, April 1, from 10am

Join us at CityReach Oakden for our very special 10AM Good Friday service, At The Cross which will feature a Gospel presentation, music and testimony.  Hot cross buns and coffee to follow.

You are also warmly invited to our Easter Sunday service at 10AM, where we will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and witness some baptisms.

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids and a BYO Feaster Picnic on the Gazebo lawns following the service. We hope to see you at both events!

Calendar Information


Term 1, 2024 – Tue 30 January – Fri 12 April

Term 2, 2024 – Tue 30 April – Fri 28 June

Three-week break between Terms 2 and 3

Term 3, 2024 – Tue 23 July – Fri 27 September

Term 4, 2024 – Tue 15 October – Wed 11 December


Regular opening hours during term:

Monday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Wednesday 3pm – 5:30pm

Thursday extended opening hours:

TERM 1 – Weeks 1 – 6, 3pm – 5.30pm

TERM 2 – Weeks 1 – 4, 3pm – 5.30pm

TERM 4 – Weeks 1 – 3, 3pm – 5.30pm


Our Primary School Chapels and Assemblies are held on Fridays at 8:50am. 

Assemblies can be attended by invitation from the involved classes, and parents/caregivers are welcome to attend our fortnightly Chapels.

Parents/caregivers are able to sit in the allocated chairs at the back of the Auditorium.

Primary School News

Learning Comes to Life

Learning has burst into life in the Primary School this term, with Year 2 students marveling at the magic of metamorphosis, Year 4 students diving deep into the rich tapestry of Indigenous culture, and Year 6 students opening their hearts and minds to the powerful stories of refugees.

MiniBeast Metamorphosis

The Year 2 classes have been observing the life cycle of the caterpillar as part of a Literacy unit about minibeasts.

Last Thursday, there was much excitement as one of our caterpillars completed the metamorphosis to butterfly.

Yesterday, while we were in German, our butterfly emerged from his chrysalis. We knew that he was a boy because he had black spots on his wings. We released him under the Upper Primary tree. His name was Potato Buttercup, which was a bit funny. He was so beautiful! I liked his orange wings.” – Ashleigh

Yesterday, the chrysalis emerged into a butterfly. I was there to see it. It was amazing! He was so beautiful, but we let his wings dry first. Then we got to watch it fly away, but it didn’t want to. Maybe it was too scared because we were around it. And it was a boy. And its name was Potato.” – Elise

On Thursday, our butterfly emerged from its chrysalis. We left it in its cage for a while. It hung like a bat and dried its wings. When it got a little bit dried, we went outside. Mrs Wright got it out on the milkweed. Then Mrs Wright put it on her hand. Then we said a final goodbye.” – Yuna

Mrs Clare Wright, Year 2 Teacher

Creatively Exploring Culture

We are excited to share the latest in our Year 4 students’ educational journey. This term we have been exploring the world of First Nations cultures, with a special focus on their food and fibre traditions.

This interdisciplinary approach merges the study of HASS, where students develop historical understanding, geographical knowledge, and cultural awareness, with the principles of Design and Technologies, where students engage in creative and critical thinking processes.

Part of our journey has been through practical activities, such as planting out a vegetable garden, creating baskets out of raffia and bringing in cuttings from home to plant in pots. We eagerly anticipate observing the progress of these plants and hold hope that some will develop roots and mature into plants.

We hope that we will be able to share some of our progress later in the year!

Mrs Janine Homer, Year 4 Teacher

Migration Stories

Last week, the Red Cross visited Cedar to talk to our Year 6s about Migration, and to launch our History topic for this semester.

The Year 6 students learnt about how the Red Cross began as an organisation and what they do to help. Karyn and Anita explained how asylum seekers become refugees and the difference between voluntary and involuntary migrants. The students were surprised at the small number of refugees Australia actually allows into the country each year when compared to the worldwide numbers. The students then participated in a theoretical exercise to illustrate how hard it would be to have to flee from your country at a moment’s notice.

We were also very privileged to hear from Iryna Buynevych, who arrived in Australia last year with her family. She had an amazing story to tell about how her family had escaped from Ukraine through a ‘green corridor’ and then travelled through a number of other countries before deciding to apply for refugee status in Australia. Her photos showing pictures of their city before and after the start of the war with Russia, along with the stories of how she and others survived without electricity, were very powerful and impacting.

The session ended with a video contrasting the differences children experience between life in the Western world and life in a refugee camp. It was a thought-provoking note to end on, especially considering the disparities in the children’s hopes and dreams. We are grateful to the Red Cross for coming out to share this with us.

Miss Susan Dix, Year 6 Teacher


Middle School News

Middle School Play Equipment

Cedar College has recently received a grant from the Federal Government to use for student wellbeing purposes, to be used above and beyond our existing supports and strategies provided for students in this area.

There is much research to suggest that, in general, adolescents need to spend more time engaged in active movement outdoors to improve not only their physical wellbeing but also their mental wellbeing. In addition to the supports the College already provides, we are excited to announce that this funding is being committed to new Middle School play equipment as another practical tool for encouraging good mental health and overall wellbeing.

The ability to enjoy play equipment is also a much-missed activity that our Primary School students comment upon when coming into Middle School!

Installation in Full Swing!

The grant is sufficient for two major pieces of equipment – a set of four swings, and a climbing gym. The equipment will be located on the grassed area between the F Block and the Sports Centre entrance, and work began this week. Temporary fencing and signage has also been installed at the site for passers-by to view the final design.

I’d like to thank Mr Webb for leading this initiative, and we are looking forward to this new introduction to the High School

Mr Andrew Lock, Head of High School

Middle School News

Year 7s Mix it Up

This year, at year 7 camp, students were encouraged to jump out of their comfort zones with the theme “mix it up and give it a go”.

Students were divided into six tribes and camp became a big competition, each tribe attempting to earn the most points by participating enthusiastically and showing team spirit in all activities. All tribes had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sessions, including body boarding, beach games, a water obstacle course, escape rooms, Cedar’s Got Talent, a scenic bike ride to the beach, and the Flying Kiwi.


In body boarding, along with learning basic skills, awards were given amongst each tribe for most waves caught, most improved and best wipe outs. During Cedar’s Got Talent, all the tribes received scripts for some small skits which they performed. The tribes then had to perform the skits again, but with a funny twist, such as doing it with their eyes closed, or all the characters acting as three-year-olds. Most activities left them messy or muddy, and all events required teamwork and encouragement, giving students many opportunities to display love and develop self.


There were nightly devotional sessions in which staff members shared eye-opening and inspiring testimonies to help students discover Jesus. This led to many students sharing their personal experiences and emotional stories, coming together and supporting each other and creating lasting bonds, as well as strengthening their existing friendships.

Year 7 camp was an exhausting, exciting and memorable experience and was immensely enjoyed by all students.

Cadence S, Year 7 student

Student Achievement

Congratulations to the following Cedar students who have recently performed well in their chosen sports.

Year 9 student, Piper, travelled to Western Australia early this year to compete in the Australian Open Water Championships. Piper managed a third place in the 15-year-old girls’ 5km swim, securing a bronze medal at this national event – a great achievement!

We’d also like to Congratulate the following Middle School boys who have all been selected in the North Adelaide Football Club U14’s team: Kade C ( Captain), Tyler A, Cobie M, Daniel S, Isaac C, we hope you all have a great season!

Senior School News

High School Staff Update

I would like to acknowledge the service of Mr Daniel Nowak and Mrs Laura Stanley as High School teachers, who are both moving into a new season of their lives.

Mrs Stanley has been with Cedar College since 2016, teaching numerous subject areas including English, Humanities, Christian Living, PLP, Research Project and Food & Hospitality. Mrs Stanley excelled as a teacher in every subject she put her hand to, particularly in the Food & Hospitality area, where she taught to Stage 2 in recent years. Mrs Stanley is moving on to another professional opportunity, working directly with students who are undertaking flexible learning pathways in secondary education. She will be missed by students and staff alike.

Mr Nowak has finished his second stint with Cedar College after re-joining us at the beginning of 2023. Our school community would be aware of the Nowak family’s journey over the past 18 months. Only recently, Daniel’s son, Murphy, officially went into remission from cancer, which is a real answer to prayer, and testament to the treatment and medical team working with him! However, further follow-up treatment is required to help prevent a re-occurrence. This means the Nowak family has needed to move overseas for Murphy to receive ground-breaking treatment. Thankyou for your prayerful support and please continue to pray for Murphy and the family as they enter this next phase.

As a result, Mr Nowak and family left for the USA last week. Mr Nowak is a much loved and enthusiastic Drama, and Film & Media teacher, and will be missed greatly.


Welcome to our New Staff

I am pleased to announce that we have employed Miss Chloe Baker to teach the classes left by Mr Nowak. Miss Baker has taught in a number of subject areas, including Creative Arts and Drama, and will start at Cedar at the beginning of Week 8.

In addition, replacing Mrs Stanley is Mrs Rachael Pullman. Mrs Pullman is an experienced teacher who has taught in a range of secondary subjects, including Food & Hospitality. She is teaching Mrs Stanley’s classes from this week.

We look forward to working with Miss Baker and Mrs Pullman into the future!

Mr Andrew Lock, Head of High School

Senior School News

Year 12s Head Back to Primary School

It was hard to determine who was the most excited last week as the Year 12 students visited their prayer partner classes in the Primary School for the first time this year!

A unique feature of Year 12 at Cedar College, originating with our first Year 12 class over 15 years ago, involves each Year 12 student being ‘adopted’ by a Primary School class.

These Primary School classes regularly pray for their Year 12 students and offer encouragement throughout their final year of schooling. The inter-year connection creates special friendships that extend to recess and lunch times, as Primary School students eagerly greet ‘their’ Year 12 students whenever they cross paths.

Making Connections

During their classroom visits, Primary School students delight in learning more about the Year 12s, asking about hobbies, favourite subjects, future aspirations, and sports. For our current Year 12s, this experience enriches their own memories, recalling the joy they felt many years ago when they interacted with Year 12 students as Primary Schoolers.

While their final school year has only just begun in many respects, it also moves rapidly as we enter the second half of Term 1. The support and encouragement from staff and students, through prayer and connection, plays an integral role in the journey of each Year 12 student, as we continue to build a supportive school community.

Contact Cedar College

School Office: 08 8261 3377

School Address: 215-233 Fosters Rd Northgate, South Australia 5085.


If you'd like further details about enrolling your child at Cedar College please contact the Enrolment Office via our Enrolment page.

About Cedar College

Cedar College is a Reception to Year 12 co-educational independent Christian School, in the growing suburb of Northgate, South Australia.