School Tours

Term 1, 2025 School Tours

Our next formal School Tours will be held in Term 1, 2025. We’d love you to join us for a tour of the College.

  • High School – Tuesday March 25, 2025, 9:15am

  • Primary School – Wednesday March 26, 2025, 9:15am

During our tours we walk through the campus and main facilities, visit a range of classrooms, and conclude with a brief Information Session with our Heads of School. Our tours, including refreshments and Information Session, take approximately 1.5 hours.

Tours are led by some of our Student Leaders, who love showing visitors around their school. This gives you, as a parent or caregiver, the opportunity to talk with both our students and staff.

Formal School Tours are held during Terms 1, 2 & 3. During Term 4, we hold a number of informal small group tours, during, and after school.

We hold informal tours at various times, as required. Please fill in the form below to let us know when you are available, and we will contact you regarding possible tour times. For further information, contact our Enrolment Officer, Lara Webb, on (08) 8261 3377.

Enquiring about a specific year level?

If you’d like to find out more about availability in specific year levels and enrolment years, please submit an Enrolment Enquiry form, via our Enrolment page.

School Tour Booking Request

    Title *

    Your First Name *

    Your Last Name *

    Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    Student 1 First Name *

    Student 1 Last Name *

    Student 1 current Year Level *

    Student 1 date of birth *

    Student 1 gender *

    Year Level of interest *

    Starting in *

    Add details for a second student

    (tick here if required)

    Student 2 First Name *

    Student 2 Last Name *

    Student 2 current Year Level *

    Student 2 date of birth *

    Student 2 gender *

    Year Level of interest *

    Starting in *

    What is your postcode *

    How did you hear about us?

    Please tell us about this enquiry *

    Select a campus for your School Tour:

    Primary School (Year R-6)High School (Year 7-12)

    Please select your Primary School Tour preference below.

    Term 1 - Wednesday March 26, 9:15amPlease contact me regarding an informal tour at a different time

    Please select your High School Tour preference below.

    Term 1 - Tuesday March 25, 9:15amPlease contact me regarding an informal tour at a different time

    For use on name tags, please type the first and last name of each person attending the tour, including yourself and any children (we ask that a maximum of 2 Adults attend): *

    Adult 1 first & last name

    Adult 2 first & last name

    Child 1 first & last name

    Child 2 first & last name

    Add a message (optional)