Term 1 Week 9 - 2023

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Term 1, Week 9


More than a Holiday

We often hear of Easter referred to as simply a “Religious Holiday”, or perhaps even worse, a “Season” or just a “Holiday”. But of course, it’s much more than that.

Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection (which is celebrated at Easter) form the foundation of Christianity. And rather than just religion, traditions, or rules, central to Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Of course, Easter is a special time to come together with family and friends. While chocolate and hot cross buns may be a tasty addition to our gatherings, it’s important to keep the focus on the true meaning of Easter – the sacrifice of the Cross, the empty tomb, and the risen Saviour. Pastor Jeremy Wright looks at what’s so amazing about Easter, on our Front Page.


Around the Campus

In this issue of CedarNews, Cedar Pastor Jeremy Wright reminds us of the Wonder of Easter, we check out the results from the High School and Upper Primary Sports Days (with photos and videos to view), find out what’s happening around the Campus in Primary School and High School, and celebrate some of our graduates and students who have recently been making headlines.


Mr Peter Thomson, Principal

Coming Events

July 2024

Sunday July 28

Week 2 >>

Tuesday July 30

Year 7-9 Boys Netball

Wednesday July 31

Yr 5 Excursion

August 2024

Thursday August 1

SACSA Year 7/8 Boys & Girls Basketball

Friday August 2

SACSA Year 9/10 Boys & Girls Basketball
8:50 am – 1:50 pm
Yr 11 Food & Hosp Excursion
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Rijken Cup Presentation

Sunday August 4

Week 3 >>

Monday August 5

AMC Maths Comp >
ICAS Digital Tech Comp >
ICAS Writing Comp >
SATAC Applications 2025 Open

Wonderful Easter

Pastor Jeremy reminds us of the amazing, beautiful, wonderful news of Easter.

Read the story...

Around the Primary School

Year 3/4s learn about the wider community, Year 6s get a taste of High School.

Read the story...

Educational Designs

Year 11 Child Studies program gives students insight into the growth and care of children.

Read the story...
Sports Day

High School Sports Day

Green Machine dominates fun-filled day of athletics and team games.

Read the story...

The Front Page

Amazing, Beautiful, Wonderful Easter

When God becomes a human like us, we should expect beautiful, wonderful, amazing things. That’s what we’ve been discovering about Jesus in Chapel across the school this term.

Week 9 News and Notices

Public Holidays – Term 1

Friday April 7
Good Friday Public Holiday.

Monday April 10
Easter Monday Public Holiday.

Primary School Learning Conversations

Our Second evening of Primary School Learning Conversations are  next week, on Monday April 3.

The Learning Conversations will take place on campus, in your child’s classroom. The booking Portal closes at midnight on Friday March 31. If you have not yet created a booking, please contact the Primary School Office, or send a Canvas message to your child’s classroom teacher.

High School (7-12) Learning Conversations

The Year 7-12 Learning Conversations are scheduled for Term 2, on Monday May 8, from 4:00-8pm. These Conversations will be held in F-Block, in various rooms. Parents and Caregivers will be emailed booking instructions in Week 1 of Term 2.

Students are encouraged to be available to meet with their teachers and parents/caregivers. In some circumstances, the interview may begin with just parents/caregivers and teachers, and end with the student being present as well.

Industry Expo – Find your career!

Is your child thinking about their future career? All Years 7 – 12 students and their parents/caregivers are welcome to come along and find out about career options at Cedar College’s Industry Expo, held in conjunction with Learning Conversations on Monday 8th May 2023, from 4pm to 7pm. Speak to a wide range of industry experts and find out how you can take the next step in your future career! See the event info in this newsletter.

Winter Uniform Reminder

Now is the time to ensure that students have their winter uniform requirements organised to avoid the end-of-term rush. The Uniform Shop is open on Mondays (8:30am – 4:30pm) and Wednesdays (3pm – 5:30pm) during term.

The Uniform shop will be open from 9am-4pm on Monday May 1 (Student Free Day).

Most uniform items, including winter uniform, are now available via the Qkr! app. Please first select a delivery method to ensure that your order is placed correctly, and you will be notified when the order has been fulfilled.

Please remember to name all uniform items clearly, as this provides the best chance for lost items to be returned to students.

Occupational Therapist Available at Cedar

Cedar has been offered the services of an experienced OT through Liberty Speech. OTs can support in many ways, such as working on fine and gross motor skills, sensory needs, organisation, and sleep. Engaging the services of the OT will be a private financial arrangement between the family and Liberty Speech, and your child’s NDIS funding may cover it, if they have that. Please contact Sandie Gardner at [email protected] if you would like this support for your child.

Mrs Sandie Gardner, High School Adaptive Education Coordinator (Canopy)

Alumni Committee

In 2023, we are shaping a new Alumni Committee named COSA (Cedar Old Scholars Association) who will be involved in organising select projects and events. The committee will include Old Scholars, Staff, Students and Community members.

COSAIf you are interested in being a part of the committee, we would love to hear from you and what you could bring to the role representing the parent community. If you would like further information regarding the role of the committee, please email our media team and we’ll get back to you with more details. The final 2023 committee will be selected in consultation with the College Leadership.

Easter Services

You are warmly invited to attend the Cityreach Good Friday and Easter Sunday events, Jesus Changed My Life!

Please arrive at 9:45am for a 10am Service start. There will be songs, testimonies great coffee & hot cross buns.

Invite your family and friends, and we hope to see you there!

Industry Expo

Monday May 8, 4pm-7pm.

Thinking about your future career? All Years 7 – 12 students and their parents/caregivers are welcome to come along and find out about career options at Cedar College’s Industry Expo, held in conjunction with Learning Conversations on Monday 8th May 2023, from 4pm to 7pm. Speak to a wide range of industry experts and find out how you can take the next step in your future career!

Speak to a wide range of industry experts and find out how you can take the next step in your future career!  Click the image for a full list of exhibitors.

Contact the High School Office for further information.


Colin Buchanan – Live in Concert

Thursday May 11, 5pm.

We are excited to be hosting the amazing COLIN BUCHANAN in the CityReach Oakden Auditorium.

Colin Buchanan is celebrating 25 years since the release of his landmark debut kids Christian album, Remember The Lord. Now he’s taking a bunch of his favourite songs from the past two and half decades on the road! There’ll be singing, dancing, laughter and fun – and a surprise or two along the way!

Tickets are $17 – This event is open for the public so book early before tickets sell out!



Confident Parenting

Wednesday 31 May 7pm-9pm.

Because children and teenagers don’t come with a manual, Cedar College is pleased to be hosting Dr. Jenny Brown as she explains how you can build yourself into a confident parent. Jenny, along with a local panel, will answer your questions from their collective wisdom, drawn from Christian principles, experience and professional knowledge. Cost: $10 per adult or $15 for two. Register online by Wednesday 24 May.



Calendar Information


Term 1, 2023 – Tues 31 Jan – Fri 14 April

Term 2, 2023 – Tue 2 May – Fri 30 June

Three week break between Terms 2 and 3

Term 3, 2023 – Tue 25 July – Fri 29 Sept

Term 4, 2023 – Tue 17 Oct – Wed 13 Dec


Regular opening hours during term:

Monday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Wednesday 3pm – 5:30pm

Thursday extended opening hours:

TERM 2 – Weeks 1 – 4, 3pm – 5.30pm

TERM 4 – Weeks 1 – 3, 3pm – 5.30pm


Our Primary School Chapels and Assemblies are held on Fridays at 8:50am. 

Chapels and Assemblies can be attended by invitation from the involved classes.

Parents/caregivers are able to sit in the allocated chairs at the back of the Auditorium.

Primary School News

Community Working Together

Fortunately, it wasn’t a real emergency, but if it was, we’re thankful for the wonderful Emergency Services staff serve our community.

The Year 3s are discovering how each person in the local community works together to create a better place for everyone. Following on from their ambulance visit earlier in the term, the students enjoyed a special visit from Cedar parent, and Police Officer, Claire Johnson.

There was plenty of helpful information for the students to learn, including how to identify a Police Officer, how to call emergency services when in need, and how Police Officers can help us, and others in our community.

Students were also able to check out the inside of the Police vehicle, learn about all the equipment that Police Officers carry, and even try a Police uniform on for size! Even though they’ll have to wait a while, there’s sure to be some students who have been motivated to pursue a career with SAPOL in the years to come!

Planning for Community

On Wednesday this week, the Year 3s were joined by Year 4s for a special visit by another important part of our community, the developers of Oakden Rise, Villawood.

The students were able to get an inside look at the development process of the new suburb that is currently being developed close to Cedar, and the many considerations that need to take place.

Beginning with an overview of the planning process, which included green spaces, community areas, access roads and services, to the finer details of house allotments and orientation, the students learned about the importance of planning for a new community. Just like the different pieces of a puzzle, every part of our local community, from the police officers to the teachers to the supermarket workers, plays an important role in making our neighbourhood a happy and safe place to live.


Mr Phil Klassen, Year 3 Teacher

Around the Primary School

Students in Year 6 experienced a tour and sneak peek of the High School, to prepare for 2024!

While the official move to High School doesn’t start for Year 6s until next year, the steps toward this change have already started to take place.

Not only do Twilight Tours provide valuable insight into the High School at Cedar College, but they also offer a fun and unique experience for families to enjoy together. Held in Term 1, before Daylight Savings ends, our Year 6 Twilight Tours begin with a sausage sizzle and a guided tour of the High School facilities, including Science labs, Creative Arts, Food & Hospitality and Design Technology.

The Journey Ahead

Following the tour, families joined together for a brief information session presented by the Head of High School, Mr Andrew Lock and Director of Middle School Student Development, Mr David Webb. Families were also introduced to other important High School staff, and also heard some tips from two current Middle School students. Families also heard about the journey from Reception to Year 12, to University and the workplace, from Alumni and Class of 2016 graduate, Lesen, who has completed her law studies and is now working with the ATO.

Thank you to all of our Year 6 families who joined us on the night. We look forward to our continued journey together into High School 2024.


Sports News

True Blue Champions

The 17th of March was an exciting day as the Upper Primary hosted their highly anticipated Sports Day on the Primary School oval.

The popularity of the ReadyGo app for the High School Sports Day saw it implemented for the Primary School, also with huge success. High School Sports leadership, Angus Tully, Robyn Naude and Tani Cook, played a key role in entering data, giving students and parents an up-close view of the pre-events and real-time score updates throughout the day.

Chants and Relays kicked the day off and it was wonderful to see parents and friends out in force to encourage the students, offering cheering and support for their Houses.

Upper Primary teachers took their classes around the various events as the students competed against one another, and it was encouraging to see each student giving every event a go. It was amazing to experience the students’ talent, along with their enthusiasm and joy throughout the day. Students participated in High Jump, Long Jump, 100m heats, Jenga relay, and two long-standing favourites, the Gauntlet and Aqua Hurdles.

Fun Events for Everyone

Not wanting the students to have all the fun, parents came out in force to ensure victory against the teachers and High School students in the tug-of-war, but were not as successful in the relay. 

After lunch the scores were hidden, but Gould had taken the lead. It would be down to the 100m finals to decide the winner. Despite the best attempts of the other teams, Gould were too far ahead and won the title for 2023.

Final standings were: Gould 941, Bradman 885, Laver 673, Jackson 662

A big thank you for all the teachers who helped out on the day, especially Mrs Michelle Green who looked after the long jump, the senior students who ran events and competed in the relay and, of course, all the parents and friends who were there to support the students. It was a fantastic day!


Mrs Bek Robinson Year 3-12 Sports Coordinator

High School News

Designing Educational Toys

Cedar’s Year 11 Child Studies program gives students insight into the growth and care of children, and can equip them with the skills they need to pursue a variety of careers involving children.

This term, the Year 11 Child Studies class has been investigating child development through the use of toys.

Each student chose an area of development they wanted to focus on (cognitive, physical, emotional or social) and found a pattern to a toy they could sew. They then put their own spin on their toy with a range of fabric selections and creativity, including elements of texture, sound, and colour, to enhance the learning experience.

While each student came across various issues during the production of their design, their problem-solving skills allowed them to work through them, and everyone completed a toy to a high standard. Perhaps we need to send these toys home with some of the Reception students to get some hands-on testing and see what they think!

Making Headlines

It’s been exciting to see some of our Cedar Alumni and current students in the news lately, as they branch out and succeed in a range of fields.

Cedar graduate, Justyce Manton (Class of 2019), made headlines recently with her application for a 10-week placement at the prestigious NASA Jet Propulsion Lab in California. As an engineering student, Justyce has dared to dream big and apply for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As we wait to see if she’ll be selected, one thing’s for sure – Justyce is paving the way for the next generation of STEM students to reach for the stars!

We’d also like to congratulate Year 11 Visual Art student, Ella, whose colourful artwork has won the Art Gallery of South Australia‘s Neo Teen Takeover Poster competition! Ella’s winning poster has been distributed to schools around the state, inspiring teens to unleash their creativity and showcase their unique artistic perspectives!

Year 11 student, Elaine, and her sister Mackayla, were featured in The Advertiser, in the lead up to Saturday’s Showdown. Elaine, who currently plays in the SANFL and is on the radar to be drafted to the AFLW, will support her younger sister in presenting the Variety Showdown Shield to the winning team at the end of the match. Mackayla, who was born with a number of rare health conditions, is Elaine’s biggest fan, and we’re looking forward to seeing them on centre stage afte the big match!

Year 12 student, Sienna, has had her name up in lights while currently competing in the Australian Open and Under 20 Track & Field Championships this week. Sienna qualified for the 100m finals, and will also compete in the 200m and 4×100 over the weekend. We wish her all the best for her events!

Sports News

Green Machine

Anticipation was high, as students gathered on Vickers Vimy Oval on March 10, for the annual High School Sports Day.

Weeks of preparation led up to this moment, with students using online nomination software to select their events, and House captains working tirelessly to place these students into ReadyGo so that families and students could see the events unfold online. I want to take a moment to thank Daniel Lee for his hard work behind the scenes to make this possible.

Sports Prefects, Angus Tully and Robyn Naude, developed a fantastic Carnival Relay, featuring traditional sports day activities like the sack race, three-legged-race, and egg-and-spoon race. A staff versus student demonstration kicked off the event, the first of three such competitions, with the students being crowned victors.

Another brainchild of the Prefects was the four-person volleyball, which gave those students who are more inclined to ball sports the opportunity to showcase their skills and compete.

The Staff versus Student tug-of-war saw the staff equalise the score to 1-1, but a demolition job in the 4x100m relay resulted in Angus and Robyn taking the trophy for Athletics and Mrs Robinson being doused in cold water.

Bradman Dominates

Bradman had taken an early lead after the pre-events on Thursday and their lead steadily increased throughout the day. By the time the score updates were hidden from sight, victory seemed inevitable. Sure enough, when the results were tallied, Bradman finished on top with a huge win, making amends for not having taken the title since 2016. Bradman Captains Jess and Maddy collected the shield and gave a heartfelt speech to their team.

The loudest cheer of the day went to Bradman’s teacher, Mr Tom Giles, who had his long locks cut off, providing a memorable highlight for Sports Day 2023!


The final standings were: Bradman 1726, Laver 1487, Jackson 1479 , Gould 1467

Congratulations to the following students for winning the individual age group medal award.

Open: Jonathan A , Endene J
U16: Eric W, Lily S
U15: Ben S,  Esther L, Bella Z
U14: Alex O, Grace W,  Layla J
U13: Tyler A, Kade C,  Isabel W


Mrs Bek Robinson Year 3-12 Sports Coordinator

Contact Cedar College

School Office: 08 8261 3377

School Address: 215-233 Fosters Rd Northgate, South Australia 5085.


If you'd like further details about enrolling your child at Cedar College please contact the Enrolment Office via our Enrolment page.

About Cedar College

Cedar College is a Reception to Year 12 co-educational independent Christian School, in the growing suburb of Northgate, South Australia.