War on waste

War on waste

Primary School studies war on waste; healthy eating

Year 4s Join War on Waste

- CedarNews Term 3, Week 8

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Did you know that our waste is growing by more than double the population? Or that each Australian household on average throws out $3,500 per year?

This term the Year 4s have been learning about waste, as we have endeavoured to consider the environmental impact of the waste that Australians throw away.

We visited the Wingfield waste and recycling centre, and began to understand where our rubbish and recycling goes. Following this, we watched part of the “War on Waste” television series and were surprised by the amount of waste which takes place. We learned that if bananas are too large or too small, or even the wrong shape, they are discarded and this waste can add up to over 10,000 bananas per week.

Closer to home, we considered what we as a school throw out. By emptying a bin and separating the contents, we investigated what could be recycled or re-used, such as plastics and organic matter, rather than being mixed together with general waste. With all of this information, the discussion now focuses on how can we be more sustainable in our school, in our households and in our community.


Healthy Home Grown Lunch

In the Junior Primary, it was “Bon Appetit” for 1SR/EB when their home grown vegetables were served up for a lunch of hands-on learning..

On the menu were dips and chips made from carrots and beetroot planted by our class in Term 1.

A stand-out favourite was the beetroot dip, made with just a hint of horseradish. It was exciting for the children to eat and enjoy foods made from the vegetables which they had planted themselves, and we also took the opportunity to discuss how we communicate through common table manners.

A big thank you to Craig Graves for the delicious menu, and Melissa Librino for the beautiful table arrangements.